Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Chapter Five - Fit it up!

First of all, thanks to you who are staying faithful with the reading of this book. It has great ideas and many practical suggestions thoughout that will help us better prepare our students to be successful at high school.

The student named Kayla reminds me of several I have taught and known before. "Nope, I keep reading and hope it makes sense when I am done". If she doesn't understand her response is, "Then, oh well". That is frustrating for us for sure but a student can't really be happy with that feeling either. Have you had this experience with a student? If so, and I know you have, found a reliable solution?

I know a lot of these fix-it strategies are familiar to you but are there any that are new that are of interest?

Reading and language arts teachers, what can you advise a content teacher that may not have your expertise as to which fix-it strategies would work best in given textual situations?

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Chapter Four - Tracking Confusion

Do you hear voices...when you are reading? I do, but does my mind wander at times. I can sure identify with the students. Even reading this chapter I found myself listening to my distracting voice..."wow, Mark sure is going fast on the new mower", "How many times am I going to have to send that job announcement to personnel", or "I wonder why there are so many bugs in my office". But, I catch myself and get through the reading and gain meaning.

Do your students try to abdicated their responsibility for understanding what they read? How have you countered this student belief in the past? In the future?

I love how Ms. Tovani describes real world monitoring. Have you ever thought about the monitoring processes' importance even when things are done well? If you expect to repeat success you have to know why you succeeded in the first place. As a basketball player I spent countless hours thinking why I was successful or not, as do I as a school principal.

What is your opinion of the six signals, listed on page 38, that Mrs. Tovani teachers her students to let them know they are confused?

What did you gather from the reading on pages 38-47 that will aide you in helping your students to gain a better understanding of what they read?

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Chapter Three: Purpose is Everything

Ms. Tovani makes a statement on page 24 "a reader's purpose affects everything about reading".  Have you thought about it this way before?  If so, what practices do you do to make sure the students have a compelling purpose.  If not, how might this concept change your practice?

Do the complaints her students use sound familiar? 

Thinking aloud is a commonly used strategy.  React to her practice of modeling the think aloud process for her students.

What other strategies mentioned sound useful for your classes?  Is modeling important in these strategies as well?